Number 1. Go for a long walk or stroll. Not only will walking allow you to clear your head, walking like any form of exercise releases endorphins, the bodies natural happy pills.
Number 2. Give your pet a cuddle. I can’t think of a better pick me up then a pet’s unconditional love. If you don’t have a pet of your own visit a friend or family with one or even better visit your local animal shelter. Animals in shelters are always in need of some extra affection.
Number 3. Draw yourself a bath and enjoy the bubbles. Hot water tends to relieve tension and who could be sad when surrounded by masses of sweetly scented bubbles.
Number 4. Get baking. Not only is baking fun it will keep your mind off whatever is making you sad. Plus as an added bonus you get to eat your delicious creations after all your hard work is complete.
Number 5: Light some scented candles or incense.
Number 6: Indulge in some comfort food. No need to feel guilty a treat every so often is totally acceptable, especially when you’re feeling blue.
Number 7: Dance! Dance like nobody is watching. Dancing is fun, expressive and like walking releases endorphins.
Number 8: Hang out with your friends. Who better to cheer you up than those you love.
Number 9. Watch something corny (sort of like the image below). Whether it be an old stand up comedy clip on Youtube or a 70′s TV show like the Brady Bunch, the cheesy singing gets me every time, so darn funny!
Number 10. Write a list of all the good things you have in your life. Guaranteed 10 points into this exercise you will feel a hell of a lot better!
So there you have it 10 things to do when you’re feeling blue. If you have any of your own additions feel free to comment below. I’d love to hear your suggestions.
Source of original stock images. I do not claim credit for the original images, nor do I own the right to them, I simply edited them.
Tags: countdown, depressed, emotional, happy, images, lists, photography, pick me ups, sad, typography