Tag Archives: summer

Summer Meal Ideas

9 Nov


It’s almost salad season here in Australia and to celebrate I have made my own version of traditional Greek salad. I didn’t have any olives on hand but some pitted Kalamatas would be amazing in this dish so I highly recommend including them.
What you will need:
1 green coral lettuce
1 red capsicum (Pepper)
1 punnet of cherry tomatoes
1 large cucumber
200 grams of Greek feta cheese
1 cup Garlic infused olive oil
1 teaspoon of dried rosemary
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 1/2 cups balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon of ground mustard seeds
What to do:
Tear apart your lettuce and roughly chop the capsicum and cucumber. Arrange in a bowl(s) and top with the cherry tomatoes and crumbled feta. In a jar or shaker combine all your spices, vinegar and oil and shake until combined. A mason jar worked perfect for this and any leftover dressing can be easily stored in it within the fridge. Dress your salad just before serving. Enjoy!

Serves 4

Summer Refresher

15 Oct


Sangria has to be one of my favourite Spring/Summer drinks. This delightful concoction of sweet pink wine and juice is perfect for any occasion. Serve this sangria at your next picnic, a BBQ and even a quiet brunch and I guarantee it to be a crowd pleaser.

What to do is simple, in a large jug or pitcher combine 1 bottle (700ml) of pink moscato, 500 ml of orange juice, 500ml of apple juice, 200ml of mango nectar, 3 cups of your favourite berries and 1/4 cup lime juice. Stir until combined and garnish with a few sprigs of mint. Enjoy!

Passionfruit & Guava Yoghurt Pops

1 Aug


What you will need…
1 cup thickened cream
1kg tub of plain natural or greek yoghurt
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 can guava slices
Flesh of 4 passionfruits

What to do..
Pulse all ingredients together in a blender until smooth.
Pour into foam cups
Cover with foil and pierce in the center with a paddlepop stick
Freeze until soild, about 5 hours.
Makes 8 large serves.


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