Follow Me! (Please)

15 Apr


For those of you unaware or not yet following, Pixi Wishes is on BlogLovin! With Google Reader closing down creating an account and following your fave blogs (hopefully this one included!) is a great way to ensure you don’t miss anything. You can follow Pixi Wishes Forehead Kisses here. If you too have a blog on BlogLovin feel free to share your link/s in the comment section, I am always looking for something new to read. Thanks! Becky xo

PS the BlogLovin iPhone App is also super handy for on the go reading :)

(Image source.)

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One Response to “Follow Me! (Please)”

  1. Simple Island Living June 8, 2013 at 7:31 am #

    Happily, I’m now following up on Blog Lovin! I don’t know why I hadn’t seen your site before.
    My site is also on Blog Lovin, though I don’t know how that happened because I didn’t do it…magic I suppose.

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