Coffee Love

24 Oct


A Special Readers Offer

Coffee. How I love coffee. My co-workers often laugh at how much I enjoy it. Apparently I give off a little smirk with every sip. Creepy right?  I really need to work on that. Coffee I believe, is something you learn to appreciate more and more as you continue to drink it. I’m a shameless coffee snob I will admit it. But believe me once you sample a cup of high quality brew there’s no going back. Coffee in my opinion is like wine, once you experience the Veuve there’s no way you will completely satisfied with a glass of goon again.

Recently I was contacted my the people at Craft Coffee in regards to offering my readers 20% of their coffee subscription services. Wait what? A coffee subscription? Yep, you heard right. Craft Coffee like myself, appreciate a cup of good quality coffee and offer their customers a subscription service where you receive a new variety of high quality Artisan coffee each month. What a fabulous concept and a great gift or Christmas present idea for a coffee enthusiast like myself. (A not so subtle hint to my friends and family who read my blog!) To claim your 20% simply enter the code “pixipromo” at checkout. To learn more about Craft Coffee and their services visit their website here or follow them on Twitter.

If you or your company would like to offer the readers here at Pixi Wishes & Forehead Kisses a special discount or offer please don’t hesitate to contact Becky with details.

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