Make your own Limoncello

24 Jul


I understand this recipe may not follow the traditional method used to make limoncello, but this is what I did and it worked for me. I suggest using homegrown lemons or organic (The lemons I used are from my grandmothers garden) as you will be using the skin/rind of the lemon and normal store bought lemons can be coated in wax or pesticides. If you cannot find homegrown or organic, soak the lemons in apple cider vingear for a few minutes this should remove any residues.
Ok, so back the recipe…


What you will need:
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Water (plus extra for boiling)
1/2 Fresh Lemon Juice
The rind of 2 lemons, diced
500mL Plain Vodka

What to do:
Firstly you will need to candy the lemon peel to do this boil the peel in some water for 20 minutes or until it becomes slightly clear.
Remove from the stove and strain.
In a saucepan bring to the boil 1 cup of water, the sugar and lemon juice.
Add the lemon peel and bring to the boil for 5 minutes.
Reduce to a simmer and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Allow to cool.
Strain 3/4 of the liquid (Do not discard as this lemon infused simple syrup is great in cocktails and cooking)
Pour the lemon peel and remaining liquid into a bottle and add the vodka.
Allow to infused for at least a week. The longer you leave it the more intense the flavour.
Once done strain and serve chilled.
Makes about 20 shooters or 700ml.

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