Tag Archives: Map

DIY: Road Map Garland

18 Sep


This super cute road map garland is so easy to make and a great way to make use of old cardboard boxes and maps. All you will need for this sweet little DIY is; an old map, a cardboard box or paper, twine, glue, scissors and a hole punch.


From your cardboard and map cut out the hearts for your garland. I did 12 of each. Ensure that the road map hearts are smaller than the cardboard hearts. Glue the smaller hearts onto of the larger hearts using a glue stick. Ensure that the corners are well pressed down. Now using a hole punch make a hole in the top left hand corner of the heart. Use your thread to join the hearts together by winding it through the hole punch holes and tying it off with a basic knot. Once you have connected all the hearts together you’re done!



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