Tag Archives: Love and Lifestyle

Love and Life

25 Apr



If you’ve worked up the courage to give online dating a go, it goes without saying you might feel a little nervous. And much of that nervousness comes from wanting to make a good first impression. In the world of online dating, our profile is the same as that all-important first sighting, the moment when a couple’s eyes first met across a room. It’s also your chance to show the world what sort of person you really are. If it sounds like a lot of pressure, then don’t panic. Creating your page can be both a simple and fun, provided you follow some simple guidelines. With this in mind here is a look at the most important dos and don’ts for creating an online profile to impress.

DO be honest
There are plenty of white lies that can seem appealing when you’re promoting yourself. But whether you’re tempted to knock a few years off your age or pounds off your waistline, it’s important to think about who you’re really tricking in the long run. When you eventually organise a date in person, you want to be able to walk in feeling confident and proud that you truly live up to your online persona.

DON’T be negative
Nearly all of us have experienced the heartache of a breakup at some stage or another. But it’s important to not reflect your hurt or angry feelings in your profile. Finding new love is a positive, forward-thinking process, and your dating profile should be filled with optimism. Not to mention if you’re feeling jaded or angry about dating, chances are you’re not quite emotionally ready yet.


DO showcase your best traits and values
Online dating sites such as eHarmony AU have excellent success rates when it comes to matching likeminded people. But to experience this success it’s important to list all of your core values, beliefs and attitudes. This combination of personal qualities is what allows the best dating sites to pair matches based on their ingrained compatibility, the backbone to a long and successful relationship.

DON’T post a deceptive picture
We all have a favourite photo or two in our old albums, perhaps one that shows off our best side or a particularly good haircut. But posting an old photo is at the end of the day quite a deceptive thing to do. Making a good first impression is important, but so is showing how honest you are in the long run. So do yourself a favour and be proud of how you look today. Also be sure to avoid prop-heavy photographs, like a concealing hat or chunky sunglasses.

DO list your favourite activities and pass times
They say opposites attract, but when it comes to striking up a conversation online, finding common ground is always a confidence booster. When you take the time to list all your favourite activities – whether it’s baking, sailing or anything in between – you’ve got a much better chance of finding a kindred spirit who shares your passions.

If you’re keen to learn more about creating the perfect online relationship profile, plus plenty more tips and advice for the world of online dating, then simply click here.

*This is a sponsored post on the behalf of eHarmony.


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