Monday Inspirations

28 Jan


It’s only Monday and this week is already off to a hectic start. The weather here is crazy and because of it I am homebound for the next couple of days. Roads are flooded and my place of work has been shut down due to a leaky roof and flooded entrances. I am talking hurricanes hitting near by cities, flooding, heavy rain and gail force winds! Yes people Australian Summers aren’t all sun and beaches and the Cabin Fever is settling in! Feeling a tad inspired {horrified} by this hectic weather I have been trolling the net for some rainy day inspiration. Here’s what I have found;

I adore this oil Painting by Igor Mudrov on Etsy. It’s a little bit Lady and the Tramp and reminds that not all rainy days are miserable, some are filled with a little romance.

Ever since I was kid I have loved playing in the rain {and mud!} and although today’s weather is way too extreme for frolicking, these Hunter Wellingtons would be perfect for when things start to ease off. Does anyone else enjoy gardening post rainy weather?

This Quote! So true if only these recent rains didn’t mean a boat load of mud, sticks and leaves!

There’s something about a rainy day that makes me just want to grab a blanket, a cup of coffee and lay on the couch and watch some old horror movies. The cheesy costumes, graphics and cliche’ plot twists are ever so entertaining and often hilarious. I guess this is why I love vintage horror flicks so much. My favs: House of Dracula, Psycho, Chucky and anything Stephen King. What are yours?

I hope you have enjoyed my the first of my Monday Inspiration Posts and if the weather around you is anything like it is here stay safe and be sure to take precautions.

Happy Monday! Becky xox

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2 Responses to “Monday Inspirations”

  1. Anisha January 28, 2013 at 2:10 pm #

    Hi Becky, love this weather, cant do much so dont need an excuse to be lazy. So much comfort in lying on the couch and surfing food blogs. But feel very sorry and concerned for so many Queenslanders who are devastated with the storms and floods. i hope you recover soon guys!!

    • Becky K. January 28, 2013 at 2:15 pm #

      Thanks Anisha! I have to agree I LOVE a lazy rainy day and I hope everyone stays safe.
      Becky :)

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